Body weight

1. Download the template file

Download the template file here.

The template file consists of a header with a cage column, an animal ID column, and several dates columns.

Each row represents a unique animal. 

2. Fill in the information

The cage column is optional, however, if animal IDs are not unique within your colony, you should add the cage column to help identify the animals correctly.

Place the dates as column headers (e.g., 2021-12-03 15:45…). And the weight record within each corresponding cell. Empty cells are ignored.

Make sure the dates are properly formatted. If your Excel file shows ‘Jan-12’, that is what will be exported to the csv file, and the year and time will be lost. To be safe, right click on the dates, choose ‘Format Cells…’ > ‘Custom’ > and select format ‘yyyy-mm-dd h:mm’.

Then save the file as Comma Separated Values (.csv). 

3. Settings

With your file now ready, go to your settings’ page, select the Uploads row, then choose Body Weights

Click on the Skip. I have a file ready for upload.

4. Choose file

Click on the Choose file button.

5. Select the file

Travel through your directory and select the body weight .csv file.

6. Confirm

Before the body weight upload, confirmation will be required. 

The first few animals of your file will be presented. If animals were found, they will be highlighted in pink, you can click on them to pop-up their detail page. If the animals could not be identified, they will appear in grey.

Scroll through the table to ensure the body weights and dates look correct.

If all looks good. Click Confirm and your upload will be done!